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Raeküla Old School Centre is a community centre with the role to provide educational, cultural, social activities and activities directed to the youth in the society. The corporate body of Raeküla Old School Centre is MTÜ Selts Raeküla (NGO Society Raeküla) that was created with the purpose to help restore the historical and cultural heritage – the school founded with the support of the first President of the Republic of Estonia Konstantin Päts and his family and offer different activities and services to the habitants of Raeküla part of Pärnu town in Estonia. The name “Raeküla Old School Centre” was born in 2006 and the essence of the activities taking place at the building conceptualized as a community centre in 2012. In more than ten years the centre has become well-known not only on the local, but also on the international level, having been partner to several organisations and among other events organising international events (for example different cultural weeks, among which Turkish Week in Pärnu 02.09 – 08.09.2018). Raeküla Old School Centre is a member of the European Volunteer Service network, a member of the international christian charity organisation Y’s Men International and the international educational organisation Interskola. At the moment a volunteer from Turkey serves at Raeküla Old School Centre.
The activities carried out at Raeküla Old School Centre are based on MTÜ Selts Raeküla constitution, different developmental documents and projects that have been funded.
The activities at Raeküla Old School centre are divided into four main fields: open cultural work, open youth work, education and societal activities. These four fields are intertwined with social work, including helping the members of community in need according to our possibilities; charitable activities and other everyday activities of the centre. In the field of education we have got a hobby school for both children and adults, we offer free training courses that have been funded by the European Social Funds for adults with lesser opportunities in cooperation with Eesti Vabaharidusliit. Also, we offer priced trainings and courses for adults, for example “Conversational English Club” and “English for Travelling”.

We publish our own newspaper that covers the history and ongoing activities of the Raeküla part of town. Find a short English summary on the last page to:
Raeküla Sõnumid no 12 (July 2013) and no 13 (October 2013)